A word from the KCCA chairman
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ:
On behalf of the Executive Committee and all organizers we thank God for this opportunity to organize the KCCA 13thAnnual Convention and Swahili Mass, bearing the Holy Spirit-inspired theme; “Let Love be Genuine. Avoid What is Evil, Hold on to What is Good”. I extend a very warm welcome to everybody present. You have traveled from far and near to come here for one purpose; to give God honor and glory in our Kenyan traditions, language, and culture. Welcome to New Jersey!
As a Kenyan Catholic Community together with our Friends, we celebrate that for the past 12 years, KCCA has organized this Annual Cultural gathering that culminates with a Swahili mass. These events have always been excellent and have brought Kenyan Catholics and friends from across the country together to enrich our spirituality and celebrate Eucharist Swahili masses. These events have been a source of joy to many and provided a home-like feeling experience. For those joining us for the first time feel welcome and this is your home.
My dear brethren I am excited that in my second year heading KCCA I welcome you as a brother in humanity and brother in service and looking forward to
sharing the bread and the word of Christ, sharing hope, sharing our Kenyan faith culture with our friends in the Diaspora and above all celebrate the Eucharist in native Swahili language. Please join me in expressing our gratitude to Most. Rev. Martin Kivuva, Archbishop of Mombasa Diocese, Kenya, who humbly accepted to be our main celebrant this year. We thank God for their inaugural year and pray that we continue with this spirit of continually seeking to grow spiritually and extending our fellowship far and wide.
Let me share my message of encouragement and ask all of us to keep participating and being part and parcel of the evangelization efforts, especially to our fellow Kenyan immigrants. Our cultural roots are strong let's not abandon them, and as we assimilate into the American culture, we can also share our beautiful cultural heritage. Swahili mass is a big plus and a great way to evangelize.
Special thanks to all Jumuiyas (Small Christian Communities) and all the businesses from different states for their support and sponsorship of KCCA activities.
May God bless you abundantly.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Charles Maisiba
KCCA: Chairman